Suicide Blonde

Monday, April 24, 2006


Oh Joy! It's Monday! I know it sounds really crazy but for me it's very reassuring to come back to the (supposed) level-headedness of the work week. Told you it was gonna sound crazy.

During the weekend, my ordered, organized little world is turned upside-down by the extra time I have on my hands, the whims of friends and family that want to barbecue for me or want to have me cook them breakfast, the possibility of sleeping late till I slobber on my pillowcase, the lack of pressure of having to get up and have to take a quick shower and run out the door like a madwoman. If I have nothing at all to do, or even if I have a lot to do but I choose to ignore it, I can spend hours looking at sappy, old black and white movies on TV. After hours and hours of watching these movies, i cannot for the life of me remember what I watched. It's kind of frightening not to have a schedule, not to have to be here or there at a certain time, not to have to get stuff done...

So when Monday morning comes around, I have a sense of security at knowing more or less what I will face for the next 8 hours, to know that I am actually NEEDED somewhere, have to show up and do my part in a little part of the world. Coming to my little office is a pleasure, I have access to everything, my computer is super-fast, I get to see my work friends that I love, catch up on the latest gossip over coffee or IM's, I am surrounded by pictures, little knick-knacks that co-workers have brought me from their world travels, my plants that depend on me for their very lives (and always need watering), my schedule that keeps me on task, having coffee at 10:30, lunch at 12:30, break again at 3:30, leave at 5, etc... So reassuring, so safe, so predictable.

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At 4/24/2006 4:43 PM, Blogger Carmenzta said...

Commenting on my own blog: Pathetic, ain't it?

At 4/27/2006 8:35 AM, Blogger Mark Gamon said...

Awwww. But if you keep doing it, sooner or later someone's going to get sucked into the conversation.

Keep up the good work!

At 4/27/2006 8:37 AM, Blogger Mark Gamon said...

PS: I just read your first post and I thought I ought to reassure you. There are at least three others out there who have given in to blogging-beyond-fifty. Me, Vicus Scurra, and Tom 909.

There are also a couple of ladies but my gentlemanly nature precludes revealing their ages...

At 4/27/2006 3:17 PM, Blogger tom909 said...

Hi Carmenzta, Just enjoyed reading your blog. It's wild in the USA isn't it.
As for building up your blog, it might take a while but if you keep writing reasonable stuff and keep visiting other blogs and commenting when you have something good to say, it soon starts to roll.
Take care on those mean streets.

At 4/27/2006 3:43 PM, Blogger Carmenzta said...

Mark and Tom: Thank you for the nice comments! I could not believe my eyes that someone had actually read my sh--tuff.
I kind of thought that Vicus was wayyy over fifty so I'm glad it's confirmed. And BTW Mark I would NEVER say that you were that age by looking at your pic. I hope it's not 20 years old. Just kidding. Thank you again, guys!

At 4/28/2006 5:04 AM, Blogger Mark Gamon said...

awww bless you. It's two years old. And it cunningly disguises my waistline...

At 4/28/2006 11:16 AM, Blogger Carmenzta said...


Yep, I have a few pictures like that. Actually they are head shots which are the only way to disguise my waistline.


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