Suicide Blonde

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"Tenemos" BF

For all of you who are just fed up with my going on and on about the BF thing, you can just click on the "X" on the upper right-hand side. Do it right now. For the rest of you that, like me, love to analyze everything from every conceivable angle and then discuss other angles not conceived with everyone around them until you puke, please read on...

On Friday we went to happy hour as is our custom. We had a nice enough time. I danced for hours with this very sweet guy who can really dance and who is very into me but since I had my ex-BF thing unresolved, I would not have encouraged in any way.

At 10:45 pm we left, Friday had been a long day and we are getting up in years so those late nights are a thing of the past unless we have a nap sometime during the day. Yikes, I never thought I would say that, but that's life. As I was driving home, my cell phone rings and who should it be but my BF. For two very long seconds I stared at the phone and considered not answering. Then I answered it. I was hoping I didn't sound breathless, but I probably did. He was as smooth as a newborn baby's behind, and just asked how I was in that velvety voice. I said, cautiously, that I was fine. He said he wanted to wish me a Happy Mother's Day (On Friday night?) and asked if I was at Juancho's because he was headed that way. I told him I was on my way home... Anyway to make a long story short, I made up with him. I have feelings for this man, he is perfect except for his inability to talk about feelings or emotions. Is that such a bad thing? I didn't feel that it was on Friday night. And for a few hours (until Saturday morning) everything was "La Vie en Rose."

However, several things happened afterwards:

1) Saturday night he had a family party to attend. I was not invited and no mention was made of the fact that he was going by himself. He did call me at 10:30 pm to tell me he was headed home.

2) Sunday (Mother's Day) we had dinner at my house and I asked him if he wanted to come over and he said "Maybe." He didn't come over and he had dinner at his sister's, of which I was not part.

3) He asked me to go to his place on Sunday night and I did and he proceeded to talk about a vacation we were planning to take together before the split as "When I go to Timbuktu," not as "When we go to Timbuktu." So I guess I'll get to know Timbuktu on my own.

At the risk of alienating even those of you who are following this closely (Is anyone interested?), I will just say that I don't believe there is much future in this thing. I stopped calling it a relationship because it really isn't one.

So there it is: I have a BF but I don't think I REALLY, REALLY have one. Capish? If any of you would like to leave condolences, you may do so in the Comments section. Sigh.


At 5/15/2007 12:07 PM, Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

I am truly sorry to hear that this is not going to pan out.

If you do find a man who can communicate openly don't tell anyone because he will be whisked away to some lab where they will begin synthesizing and mass producing his DNA.

The geniuses at the pharmaceutical corporations are baffled at why Viagra sales have peaked and 'gone soft'..HELLO! That is the LAST item that the old wives club wants in their house!

Now if there was a little blue pill that was a 'sensitivity and communications enhancer' (that they extract from your Mr Perfect) then maybe the Ladies might consider some Viagra.


At 5/15/2007 12:10 PM, Blogger Zig said...

I hate to say this but it sounds like he is just using and abusing you - I hope I'm wrong I really do because 2 happy years is a lot to throw away, but he's not exactly being open and honest with you is he? If you really think it's over then throw caution to the wind and ask him what the f*ck he's upto and why he treated you like he did, why you heard nothing, why if he wants to make up he's leaving you out of everything, why why why???? What have you got to lose by asking (nay, demanding) some answers. Time to get tough!
Of course this may be completely the wrong sort of stance to take but It's what I'd do - but I apologise for sticking my beak in if it's unwanted! You deserve so much better Carmy xxx

At 5/15/2007 12:33 PM, Blogger Dave said...

As a man, clearly I have nothing worthwhile to say in this situation, so I'll just say condolences.

I'd like to go to Timbuktu one day. I love North Africa.

At 5/15/2007 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was stuck for five years with one of these. Many of us have been at this busstop. When it's time to get on the bus, you'll know.

At 5/15/2007 2:44 PM, Blogger FirstNations said...

you now have what is charmingly referred to in this rural outpost as a 'F*** buddy'. or at least, he thinks HE has one.
he's 'teaching you your place' lady. in a very cold, cold manner. this is so playah it's sickening; like he learned his moves off a snoop dog video or something. time to nail the guy who dances so good...honor is officially no longer in play here.
now go have fun with your life! you deserve to my darling!

At 5/15/2007 2:46 PM, Blogger FirstNations said...

homoE: us old wives LOVE viagra! whatchoo talkin bout willis??

At 5/17/2007 9:45 AM, Blogger TiG said...

Ack! This one is pretty clear. Sorry, because that sucks, but isn't it nice that you know? He's being enough of a twit that it's crystal just how little he wants to be in a relationship.

Act quickly and move onto someone (or no one even) fast! Life is too short, and you're too cool to hang onto this guy. Think of what you could be passing up because you're giving time to the "BF."

Viva La Revolucion!!


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