Suicide Blonde

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"I'm Still Here"

My son sent me an email last friday with that title, "I'm still here." Since I last posted, his battalion has lost 3 more young men and the situation continues to be very dangerous. But he is still there and now we only have 2-1/2 months left until Sweet Homecoming!

Thank you for all your comments and for being concerned. I haven't been able to post because as Asst. Director (and future dictator of the world), I have not had 5 minutes to get to Blogger. It was really stressful to not be able to blog and set your minds at ease. Every single time I went into IE to blog, something urgent/important/needing immediate attention (according to someone else's opinion) came up. Sigh. I may not accept the title of Dictator of the World after all when offered to me, I'm just too exhausted. It may not be worth all the trouble and hard work, especially if I can't blog. I also need to do my nails.

On a lighter note, I was thinking in my car on the way to work this morning. There are two places where I do my deep thinking: My car (while I'm driving, of course, not sitting there in my car parked in front of my house, even though it wouldn't be a bad idea), and my bathroom. Ok, before you snicker, or even maybe if you already snickered, let me clear up here that I do not mean on the toilet. I am not a dawdler and I get my stuff done in like 5 seconds and head to the shower. THE SHOWER is where most of my deep thinking takes place. So many, many times I've had a really serious problem and under the shower I've had the "Aha!" moment of what I would do to resolve it. And there is one more place I do deep thinking: in my dreams. Very frequently, when faced with a dilemma, I will wake up after having dreamed something and my dilemma will have been automatically resolved. The night before I may have thought "Ok, I have to do this and this to resolve this." And in the morning, after my dreams wrestled with whatever issue was at hand, I will wake up knowing that whatever I thought I would do last night was silly and improbable and I have no other option but to (Insert Resolutionary Action Here). And it has always been the right action. Go figure.

What amazes me is that I consciously do not have much to do with any of this. My conscious brain is not taking the situation apart and analyzing it, then listing the possible actions, then weighing the consequences of those actions and then picking the obviously more logical one. It does not follow that pattern. It is more of an "Intuition and Impulse" kind of process whereby my subconscious is the one that analyzes and probes and probably uses what I learned in Business Statistics eons ago to come up with the best practical solution to (Insert Difficult Problem Here). And whatever personal CPU is doing this leaves me (my conscious mind) the hell out of the process since it knows I would only botch it. Super.

Where do you do your thinking? Are you a logical thinker, a mapper-outer of problems and a weigher of results in an orderly manner? Or are you, like me, a free-association type of problem-solver? I am fascinated by this subject.

Enjoy the picture of the lovely Morning Glory. This is one of my favorite flowers. Here in So FL it grows wild everywhere. There is even one type of Morning Glory that has a smaller red flower that is absolutely beautiful. I have tried growing these vines on the fences around my home to no avail. Obviously, the seeds need to pass through a bird's intestines in order to fully germinate anywhere.

Looking forward to your comments here!!!


At 11/08/2006 12:57 PM, Blogger Zig said...

what a relief that all is well!
I think at 3am and what I'm thinking is wasn't it good when I had a mind!

At 11/08/2006 1:18 PM, Blogger WithinWithout said...

First, welcome back, Carm. We wuz worried!! And glad he's still there, of course.

You had me snickering at the doing your nails comment, long before the sitting in your car thinking one.

I don't remember my dreams and I don't have any formal sit-down-and-think process, I fly by the seat of my pants and react pretty much based on feeling.

I think it IS intuitiveness, a combination of both feeling and logic/thought, but not so much on a conscious level.

Great to see you back and ruling the world.

At 11/08/2006 2:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to see you back, Oh Great Ruler of the World! You have been missed and we, your loyal subjects, have been worried. No seas asi, chama. Nos dejaste. It was scary!

Wonderful to hear that your son is all right.

I'm more of an impulse decision maker, much to the detriment of my finances, mood and children's college funds. :grin:

At 11/08/2006 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could break your blog on this topic, Carmenzta. It's one of my topics in graduate school, intuition. For most people it's their strongest problem-solving skill, not analytical processing. But I'll stop there, because I literally could go on forever about it.

Glad all is OK.

At 11/08/2006 7:23 PM, Blogger Frontier Editor said...

Thank God you're back! I thought the space modulator had exploded!

Personally, I go for the 'wake up at 4 in the morning with a major panic attack and severe disorientation' method of problem solving. Usually I wake up again two or three hours later and realize that I hallucinated the problem and all is well after all.

But that's just me . . .

At 11/08/2006 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have come up with all epiphanies on the pot. I just cry in the car.

At 11/08/2006 11:49 PM, Blogger Keshi said...

May God bless ur son and lookafter him always.


At 11/10/2006 12:14 AM, Blogger jromer said...

first of all, hallelujah that your boy is still healthy.
second of all, hmm...i have dreams that screw me up. i hae dreams that give me clarity. but when it's time to solve...i tend to give it all up and take my ego out of it. then i say, okay, i trust that the right answer will make itself available to me.i just have to believe. and then this bliss comes over me...and so does the answer.

At 11/11/2006 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Carmenzita,
have been following your blog for a while, and so moved by it many times.

You are a strong woman - you make me believe in all the good things in people - thank you!!

No link or anything for me, too inept! - but just want to tell you how much I am with you in thought wishing good things for your boy!!!! I cannot even imagine the anxiety, but only 2 and a half months must be a good thing.

I do all my thinking while driving, have to read while doing the other...

Love to you

At 11/12/2006 2:13 PM, Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

WOW It must be great to hear from your more day to tick off.

Thanks to my little tinge of OCD I never stop doesn't help solve anything because most of it is nonsensical and deals with imaginary scenarios that I will never ever experience.
Here is the infamous Meyers Briggs Personality far as I can tell I am an IE/SI/TF/JPer! Good luck with yours.

At 11/13/2006 2:52 PM, Blogger Kindness said...

Hello Carmy,

Oh those morning glorys are so pretty! We can't have them in Arizona because they are considered noxious weeds. Can you believe that!

Thinking (in a free association way) of you and keeping your son in my prayers. My stepson deploys in January. :(

At 11/13/2006 3:24 PM, Blogger Carmenzta said...

Comments on your comments:

Ziggi, I never could boast of a good mind, so I am used to this!

WW, it's not easy to rule the world but someone has to do it.

Pammy, Work is interfering with blogging and I am not happy about it...

Kat, PLEASE! Do go on! I am so interested in this topic! I've noticed that the majority of people are the "fly by the seat of my pants" type (like WW). No wonder the world is in such bad shape!

Fronty, "severe disorientation" is the normal state of mind for me as well.

Dyna, I do my crying in the car too. Mainly because I spend so much time driving.

Keshi (and all of you), thank you for the good thoughts about my son! I appreciate each and every one!

Anna, you are one of the logical thinkers! Maybe you should be the next dictator of the world.

Bag o' Yoghurt, welcome and thank you for your encouragement! And please don't say "too inept." You HAVE read my blog, haven't you? hahahaha

Homey, my BF just took the Meyers Briggs test and the results were incredibly accurate! Thanks for the link.

Kill, welcome to you as well and I'm glad you enjoyed the morning glory. I hope that by January things calm down a bit in the sandbox. And I will certainly keep your stepson in my prayers. Thank you!

At 11/14/2006 3:40 PM, Blogger tom909 said...

Sweet Carmy, I am so relieved that it is in fact you who is going to be ruler of the world. It will be a blessed relief to all mankind that the stationary cupboard will finally be kept tidy. For one ghastly moment I thought the job might have been mine, and frankly, I simply don't want it.
Trust all your new responsibilities aren't gonna keep you away from the Friday afternoon dance spot - let me know if they do cos I don't want to waste the air fare on a no show.

At 11/15/2006 3:40 AM, Blogger Mark Gamon said...

What Tom said. Plus there will be Morning Glories everywhere. And no-one will have to spend too long on the loo...

Pwkuhmta. Blogger is veryifying in Iroquois these days.

At 11/16/2006 1:56 PM, Blogger Zig said...

Actually I think this Running the World lark is interfering too much with your blogging! The secret is to delegate - give Tom some of the easy stuff - he's just dying to be in control, you can tell by that comment, and get back on here telling us how it is, how it should be and how to do it! Missing you! x


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