Suicide Blonde

Monday, October 09, 2006


On Friday morning I get a call from my ex-husband, the father of my children. Usually when he calls I take a few seconds to reflect on what it could be that he's calling about and whether or not I should answer. But that is another post for some other time when I am less stressed.

He was calling because my nineteen-year-old son, whom I adore, and to whom I bequeathed my Jeep Wrangler when I aquired my new Cherokee, had just had a traffique accidente. "Is he ok???" (Instant migraine) "Ye's he's ok, he just f*cked up the left fender." His words not mine, even though I probly would have said it the same way. I slowly exhaled and regained whatever level of composure I had before the call (not much).

Anyway, it turns out that my son was going to make a left turn and was turning into the turning lane and some woman smooshed into the left side of the Jeep as SHE tried getting into the same lane. He got the ticket of course. Why? Because he is now under my insurance policy and the car is under my name. Meaning that if the woman decides to go after me I can lose my house and everything in it. Mental note: I must buy a lot more Colorsilk Medium Ash Blonde to cover the ever-expanding gray and I must get it NOW while I still have some spare money...

Teenagers and cars: WHY? Why can't we make them ride bikes (too dangerous) or take the bus (they will be late for school) or walk (too far) until they are in their early 30's and skip this part of their lives where they will methodically mess up each and every vehicle they can weasel their way into?

And then I was remembering a conversation I had with my son, "Big D" as he calls himself on his cell voice mail, about two weeks ago when he took me somewhere in the Wrangler.

Me: D slow down, you took that turn on two wheels.

D: Mom, I'm going 35 mph. Jesus, relax.

Me: I can't relax when the vehicle I am riding in is on two wheels.

D: Mom, I know I've had a difficult past with driving and sh*t, but believe me, I've turned over a new leaf. I'm not the old D, this is the New Improved D. I am allowing plenty of space between me and the car ahead, I'm being careful, I'm anticipating craziness from other drivers. You don't have to worry, Mom.

Me: Ok.

New Improved D just messed up the left fender. By the way, that is the same D that messed up the right fender just a few months ago, when allegedly a column got in the way of him backing up in a parking garage. So now at least the fenders are balanced out, both crushed in.

Big Sigh. So today is Moan-Day and I'm wondering what will happen to us. I'm wondering if my son will continue to play bumper cars out in traffic. I'm also wondering what will be the outcome of all this. Will I have a house in the future? Will I have a future?

I will try to feel a little more optimistic tomorrow.


At 10/09/2006 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some days are better than others, Carmen, which you know, I'm sure. It's one of those things that comes with becoming "our age" ;-)

I have no kids to mess up my cars-my brother had some interesting insight though. I was visiting with them, and we had discovered a relatively minor infraction that his then 15 y.o. son had done. He had taken all the fresh strawberries out of the fridge that his Mom had prepped for dinner-hand-dipped them all into the sugar storage bin in the pantry-and eaten them all, on the spot. Naturally the sugar bin was one solid mass of strawberry-flavored sugar. It was one of those things that you knew he knew better-and was hoping that the statute of limitations had expired by the time it was discovered. My brother, the Marine Corps Lt. Col., used to barking and watching how high they jump at work-when I told him that I would have lost it, said, "You don't get it-you lose it at least 6 times a day, and it doesn't matter."

And so it goes. Right now I'm battling with a 44 y.o. postdoc who oughta know better-he oughta know more than me, really, and I can't turn my back on him without him blowing something up or trying to poison someone. And then lie about it.

At 10/10/2006 12:10 AM, Blogger WithinWithout said...

Eek, Carm...but what happened to the woman and her car? Was she seriously hurt or was the car badly damaged?

Up here, we've got government auto insurance with a no-fault deductible of $250 (in my case).

Anyway, hope it all works out.

At 10/10/2006 3:23 AM, Blogger Vicus Scurra said...

Why is your son's name made up of just one letter? Do you have so many children that you have run out of proper names? Is there a little D as well? Or is it that you have graded them by some strange criterion? Wouldn't numbers have been easier?
Just trying to help.

At 10/10/2006 10:39 AM, Blogger Carmenzta said...

Kat, your brother is so right. When I was younger I had a lot more energy to scold and fight and reprimand, etc. When I talked to my son after the accident all I said was "Dude, you are methodically destroying the Jeep. What up?" If I don't talk like that I know he doesn't listen to me. I cracked up with the story of your 44yr old post doc. Like Ziggi said in a comment "some of us are born stupid and others have stupid thrust upon them." I believe this is your case!!!

WW, nothing APPARENTLY happened to the woman until she calls Cohen and Cohen or some other ambulance-chasing law office. Here in Miami if someone steps on your toe, you have grounds for taking their home away and have their wages garnished.

Vicus, thank you so much for trying to help! My son has a full name beginning with D. I use his initial to "protect the innocent." You reminded me of one of my supervisors a long time ago. He and his wife had their first son who was named after him. The second son was called, no bull, "Segundo" ("Second" in Spanish)!

At 10/10/2006 3:20 PM, Blogger FirstNations said...

oh, crap! i'm so sorry! i mean, this too will pass and all but it sure sucks while it's happening doesnt it. sigh.
my daughter TOTALLED two cars before she finally figured out that the quality of our mercy was in fact strained. to the breaking point.
teenagers suck.

At 10/10/2006 4:37 PM, Blogger Zig said...

I can only sympathise and sympathise and then some.
At least he’s unhurt, and maybe just maybe he will learn from it.

At 10/10/2006 4:39 PM, Blogger Zig said...

ps Fred (my horse) dented my car by leaning on it and he didn't even have the excuse of a lady horse trying to get into his lane!

At 10/11/2006 12:54 AM, Blogger WithinWithout said...

That's the American justice system for you...drafted by lawyers for the benefit of lawyers.

I hope nothing bad comes to pass.

At 10/11/2006 12:24 PM, Blogger Carmenzta said...

FN, yes, this will pass when he is approaching his 30's I suppose... The thing is, this kid has messed up FOUR cars now. One of them was totalled when he lost control of it and it backed up into a light pole at about 60 mph. His dad and I are still paying the hospital bills for that one. You see what I mean?

Ziggi, I'm sure Fred didn't mean to dent your car and I'm sure if he could he would promise he won't do it again!

At 10/12/2006 11:36 AM, Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

Your legal system is insane! I could pull a better plan out of my ass!
The entire world is mystified by the litigious CRAZYASS way that America kowtows to all of the f*ckin ambulance chasing lawyers.
Seriously. It is one thing to be responsible for your actions but this MONEY FOR NOTHING AND YOUR CHICKS FOR FREE legal schmegal system that you have is utterly out of control.

At 10/16/2006 3:20 PM, Blogger Carmenzta said...

HE, I am interested in whatever legal plan you could pull out of your ass. I has to be better than this one.

misskrob, Yes it's the beginning of the end. If I were you I would super-glue old tires all the way around any vehicle the young man will be driving.


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