Suicide Blonde

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More Fun Stuff, Continued

I am proud of the fact that I was able to log in to my own blog two days in a row! NOW I'm ready to conquer the world...

Thank you to Vicus for his brilliant assessment of my life in his comment to yesterday's post. To say that my sons are accident prone is a gross understatement. At the ER they know them and me by name and my sons in turn know all the doctors and the staff, nuff said.

So what else is new?

I am boyfriendful
Yes people, I have been dating a certain gentleman whom I met just as my last so-called boyfriend dumped me. The one that was sweet to me and was a great dancer. I feel really lucky because my new BF is such a sweet, funny, nice, cute guy and so far we have gotten along great! Yes, ok, that's how it started with the last guy too, but I'm crossing my fingers that this will be a good relationship for both of us. I'm done thinking in long-term terms, I'm done trying to see or plan ahead (not that I ever really shone at this). But really, what is life except a long chain of hours at work interspersed (is that a word?) with some Happy Hours and maybe a party, or a good movie or a nice dinner. That's all it really is. Plus hours spent giving birth, worrying about loved ones, cooking, and oh yeah, cleaning, washing, folding clothes, etc.

Last Monday, after coming home from the ER with my staple-headed son, I proceeded to make Marinara sauce to have with some Angel Hair for supper. After doing dishes for like two hours afterwards (for some reason cooking generates a heck of a lot of dishes) I was finally able to take a shower and drop into bed. Well, from one second to the next I started sneezing and my throat started aching and I got one of the worst flus (flues?) I have ever had. I even got fever and chills as well as pain all over my body, even my eyelashes hurt. I spent Tuesday through Thursday curled up in the fetal position, shivering and looking sideways at Jerry Springer and Dr. Phil episodes while sucking on Vitamin C lozenges. Needless to say, I felt like stabbing myself with the remote control but it was way too dull to do me any real damage. I don't know whether it was the flu or the deficient level of television viewing that led to some deep, philosophical thoughts. What is this world coming to? People actually fight barefoot over toothless 300 pound boyfriends/girlfriends? Women actually bare their breasts to obtain cheap necklaces made from colored plastic beads? Some couples have no idea who their baby's father is? I, too, can make a better living and some cute friends by studying massage therapy at one of those unaccredited colleges?
Do I really want to get over this flu to go back into that world?
Luckily, by Thursday night I was able to get up from the bed for more than five minutes and I'm still recovering from this thing that has taken over my upper and lower respiratory tracts. I wouldn't wish this thing even on my ex-boyfriend.

Car Repair Thing
My new boyfriend has a good friend who's a mechanic. It should be a rule that all boyfriends have a friend like this. This guy is (finally) going to fix my car's air conditioner and do away with the mystery noise that has been plaguing me since the beginning of the year. I'm kind of relieved that I'm finally getting this done because all the times I went to the mechanic I knew and frequented in the past was like a circus, or a Fellini movie even. If I were a mechanic and someone brought me their car with a noise and I could not for the life of me figure out what was making that noise, I would march right out into the waiting area with my nifty clipboard and tell that customer that we could not find the reason for the noise. Did my former mechanic do this? Noooooooo, he didn't. He proceeded to change my front shocks, balance my tires, flush and replace the transmission something-or-other, all at great cost to me, with the results that I would drive out of the place hearing the gosh-darned noise. The last time I went back to them after they "fixed" my car, the mechanic drove with me, heard the noise and said,"Ok, I know what that noise is!" I went back to sit in front of the TV in the waiting area and finish the crossword puzzle someone else had started. When he was done, he called me into the shop and I shook my head in disbelief when I saw him. He was holding up this big-ass (ok, I'm done with gosh-darn) axle or something like that and said, "The noise is gone!" To which I replied "So what is that part you are holding up?" To which HE replied, "This is what makes your car a 4-wheel drive, I removed it and it no longer makes that noise." To which I said, "I wanted a 4-wheel drive vehicle, that's why I have one. Please put the part back on the car before I sue the shop." To which he just turned his back on me and got to work putting the part back in. The car still had the noise. I think he should study massage therapy and give up on trying to impersonate a real mechanic.

I have to get some work done around here to earn my pay. Sigh. More updates if I can log in tomorrow.


At 9/26/2007 12:46 PM, Blogger Zig said...

Ah! I read your blog and now I have a sore throat!

It feels like I'm swallowing broken glass :-(

BF sounds lovely especially the mechanic friend - you're right every girl should have one.

At 9/27/2007 7:55 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Well, I'm a little late, but nice to see you back.

At 9/27/2007 6:39 PM, Blogger WithinWithout said...

Yes, Carmy Baby, interspersed is a word.

It is an amazing thing to have you back. You have mostly definitely been missed.

I'm sure some have actually committed suicide, as your blog name suggests, whether they were blonde or not.

That's a beautiful song, Afterglow, that you're playing as I write this.

Your own afterglow is a wondrous thing...after the old BF, which was pretty tough on you.

I think it's terrific you're looking and thinking and feeling in the here and now rather than what might be.

Welcome back, Carm. Things sound great. And that's a great thing.

At 9/28/2007 4:12 PM, Blogger tom909 said...

Hiya Carmy, guess my break from blogging just about matched yours, so anyway, welcome back and hope the new BF works out. Does that mean you know longer go to the happy hour on friday afternoon. I was gonna check it out if i ever ended up in Florida.

At 9/30/2007 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carmenzta! You're back! That's great! Yes, bf's with mechanical knowledge/friends is a must.

At 10/04/2007 1:08 PM, Blogger Zig said...

well you started well but seem to have tailed off a little there, it's October now you know!

At 10/04/2007 5:27 PM, Blogger Carmenzta said...

Ziggi, sorry I passed on the flu. Just watch a lot of TV, it will make you want to get better.

Dave, Thank you! It's nice to see you too!

Hi Tommy! So you were gone too? I didn't notice because I was gone. Let me know if you come by Miami on your trip to the US of A.

Hi Kat! Hope you are doing well! Missed you!


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